Cover up tattoos are something we get asked for many times here at Tattooed Lady Body Art. The secret to a successful cover up is that you should not be able to tell that the new tattoo covers an old one.
Obviously there are certain limitations in some cases but hopefully the following will show you why people come here for their custom cover up.
Let's start with a Japanese floral tattoo:
As you can see from the first image, it started as an old and somewhat faded unicorn at the top of the back, something that the lady was very self-conscious about:

Below, some hours later, you can see the finished tattoo:
As you can see, a tattoo she is now happy to show!
The next one is a very frequent request: "Can you cover up this name please?"
Yes we can!
It started as an aged, faded heart and scroll with a name inside. You can see it here underneath the stencil of the new design:
A bit of a transformation I'm sure you'll agree!
Finally, for now at least, a star and cherubs tattoo that you may recognise from a Blog post a few days ago:

I bet you didn't know that was possible did you! Well, it is and so is so much more...
Obviously there are certain limitations in some cases but hopefully the following will show you why people come here for their custom cover up.
Let's start with a Japanese floral tattoo:
As you can see from the first image, it started as an old and somewhat faded unicorn at the top of the back, something that the lady was very self-conscious about:

Above you can still see the original tattoo underneath the outline of the "work-in-progress" custom design. The next image is the result of the 3rd session, with the addition of some colour you can see it starting to take shape. A beautiful combination of Japanese floral and water:

The next one is a very frequent request: "Can you cover up this name please?"
Yes we can!
It started as an aged, faded heart and scroll with a name inside. You can see it here underneath the stencil of the new design:

What we didn't say in that post was that this is also a custom design cover up.
Want to see how it was "Before"?